The Splatt Guestbook Continued

 <- Sign the Splatt Guestbook
HyperSplatt / Doug Hibbard
Thursday, June 12, 1997
Well, fallOut, I challenge you to identify yourself to me. You must have some kind of grudge against (or me) to have said what you did. And you offered nothing to back up your claims...BTW, you are the first to ever say that the page's HTML sucks...and you are in the vast minority...anyway, that's all...hehe...

Wednesday, June 11, 1997

KeriLynn -
Thursday, June 05, 1997
It was so cute!!!

Austin Helms
Thursday, June 05, 1997
Weird page. It has a good layout. And the musics good to. You guys sure are....STUPID!

Wednesday, June 04, 1997
i think that hypersplat and piesplat are sexy mommas! woohoo!

Splatt, Chucksplatt, Pie-Splatt
Wednesday, June 04, 1997
Real men leave their names, or at least their e-mail addresses. Chickens.

Tuesday, June 03, 1997
This page is pointless, and just plain nonsense, it's pretty cool. I never thought ya'll could be so organized. Have a good day!!

aaron skinner
Sunday, June 01, 1997
this page kicks ass. i too enjoy doing stupid things. my friends and i , who arent easily impressed, were very impressed with the Splatt organization. we are even interested in opening a splatt chapter in our area.we even like to film our stupid activities like approaching people in mall and ask them stupid question like "do you enjoy the taste of sperm to coke or pepsi?" and claim to be from hard copy. we also enjoy skipping school to go on themed adventures .great site keep it up

Sunday, June 01, 1997
What have I done?

Grayson Middlebrook
Saturday, May 31, 1997
immature, stupid, immoral, demoralizing, unoriganal, dumb , wierd, nerdy, nonsense, inhumane, dull, senseless, mindless, subpar, unexceptionable, unrealistic and downright sloppy website.

she who brews tea in her belly-button
Friday, May 30, 1997
?ufot fo sbl 000,000,000,1 yub ot tnaw uoy oD ?ufot tae uoy oD .

Friday, May 30, 1997
uh oh! i think i found a BEAVER!!!!!!!1

Friday, May 30, 1997
i have to beaver-scan your page. your page has not been beaver scanned. this is a violation of the home shopping network.

ChuckSplatt -
Thursday, May 29, 1997
"Whenever you call me. . .I'll be there. . . Whenever you need me. . .I'll be there. . . Whenever you want me. . .I'll be there. . . I'll be around."

Dr. Steven A. Josephsen
Thursday, May 29, 1997
Sagatious Splendiferous spellbinding spoofs spring singularly serindipitous superlatives spontaniously!

Thursday, May 29, 1997
I is a wicked page. OO Splatt and Splatt X are babes.

susan steele
Wednesday, May 28, 1997
Could you write me stupid questions. Make it weird.

Wednesday, May 28, 1997
"There's still a chance, a tiny spark remains. And sparks turn into flames." -The Spinners

Mel & Tony -
Monday, May 26, 1997
Wowsa! That Splatt-Queso is one hot tamale! But seriously, folks ... Splatt on!

Jamie A*K*A Oreo, Angel, and Pocahonats
Sunday, May 25, 1997
Wow, you are some crazed people! I like that. Your page is real cool with all the pictures, sounds, voices, and everything! And good choice of music, it sounds wacky..fits the hompage...a wacky one=) Keep it up, i'll be sure to look at it later!!!!!!

beckee and jody
Friday, May 23, 1997
tres cool!

A l i s o n
Thursday, May 22, 1997
Splatt X and 00-Splatt are the hotties of the group! Hello boys! You guys are awesome! I'm from Canada and I just stumbled on your page. It's cool!

jim morrison
Thursday, May 22, 1997
your page is cool !!!!!!!!!!!!

jim morrison
Thursday, May 22, 1997
your page is cool !!!!!!!!!!!!

mark o'brien
Wednesday, May 21, 1997
magic anyone?

Wednesday, May 21, 1997
HIYA! The X-Isles (me, Jemi, Sheela and Lena aka manic soul ) just wanna clarify that we do NOT want to join the Brotherhood of Splatt 'coz we have our own group. We just love your homepage. THAT"S IT!! Oh. Splatt-Fu gets a 7 on a scale of 1 to 10. Splatt rulz but the X-Isles rule too!!!!!

Tuesday, May 20, 1997
YES!!!!! Keep the comments comin'!!!!!

Nadia A. - -
Monday, May 19, 1997
Totally stuff. I have a friend who thinks that Splat-Fu is cute. Totally SPLATT-ITATED aye!

Monday, May 19, 1997
I'm sorry there are no girls allowed in the BROTHERHOOD(no sisters) of Splatt.Splatt WILL take over the world and yes I'm afaid over the scarecrow that's hovering where my eyes don't go. OO-SPALT

Shannon Coats
Sunday, May 18, 1997
My brother is definitely stupid!

Manic Soul
Sunday, May 18, 1997

Kate Hill & Catherine Warlick
Saturday, May 17, 1997
groovy music!

Annisa -
Saturday, May 17, 1997
Cool place!!!!!I'm gonna like you guyz to all my 'Net pals!!!Hey,can girls join the 'Brotherhood?????(hint hint)

Annisa :no1thatter' Muchtar -
Saturday, May 17, 1997
Cool!!!!!!Is the Brotherhood only for guys in Texas??Why not make it worldwide???

Saturday, May 17, 1997
Erm, well I have once again stepped into the Splatt territory becoz..well..YOU GUYZ ARE AWESOME! God, never knew there were still species like you blokes around in this world. Makes life worth living sometimes. :)! I made a bookmark of this site! SPLATT philosophy lives on.

Lena Iryanti
Friday, May 16, 1997
Cowabunga! You guyz are awesomely stoopid! Don't take that as an offence! You guz are great! You are the medicine to those souls who think life is a mere serious ghetto. Let the spirit of BROTHERHOOD OF SPLATT live on! Forever! You guyz reign! Splatt on! My sistas were here! Farrah, Jemi and Sheela...WE'RE THE X-ISLES!!

Brad Jones
Friday, May 16, 1997
I have no comments at this time. I reserve the right to comment at a later date.

Monday, May 12, 1997
Wanted to check out what my friends jemi and Sheela wrote....Not very high on IQ are they?? HAHA! Anyway forgot to mention we're a sisterhood cum band! One thing....ditch the music!!

Sunday, May 11, 1997
Long Live SPLATT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Robert Herbig
Sunday, May 11, 1997
Nice page!

Sunday, May 11, 1997
DUH.........funny,funny, funny..... and nice. and cool.

Sunday, May 11, 1997
Farrah told me to come here. The X-isles is a very nice band, of course, I'm in it! :)

Farrah Salam
Sunday, May 11, 1997
Really cool homepage! Incidentally my friends and I have a sisterhood called X-isles and we're from Singapore. We could really use help in making our own homepage 'coz we're zero on HTML! Anyway great homepage...made all my friends visit it!

Splatt, 00-Splatt
Thursday, May 08, 1997
"Stare 'em down Rack 'em up" that's my motto. and I don't mean pool.I am patiently waiting for Splatt-o-Rama any of you Splatty guys.So write me (no funk included).

Wednesday, May 07, 1997

Tuesday, May 06, 1997
This rocks! Go Tom!

Sandi Neal
Sunday, May 04, 1997
Hi my name is Sandi and Im 13 years old, this is a cool page

Lauren -
Saturday, May 03, 1997
Your web page is very unique, and a little strange, but strange is good! Normal is boring. It looks like u guys know a thing or two about creating web pages, it's set up very well.

Wednesday, April 30, 1997
I had a really really really really really really spiffy comment but this darn monkey that crawled into my brain ate it doesn't that just suck.

Tuesday, April 29, 1997
hey wuzup! i resemble that remark. catch you groovy chicks later.

Tuesday, April 29, 1997
Keep talking girls...I hope you get Clay Walker, Val Kilmer, and what's-his-face from Pasadena. If you keep talking about them, you just might need 'em...

ChuckSplatt -
Sunday, April 27, 1997
Wow, this Guestbook is getting a bit out of hand. I might have to put up a Java applet for on-line mud wrestling with the girlfriends of Splatt . . . or not.

brigid barrett
Sunday, April 27, 1997
i meant to say thay all of yall are cute, especially tom and adam

brigid barrett
Sunday, April 27, 1997
i think that is pretty cool what all of you did. i think all of yall are cut especially tom and adam.

Slightly confused HyperSplatt
Friday, April 25, 1997
Whoa, Vixen, Smashley....I hope you aren't completely serious about all that...especially the Pasadena orator...Kate, you're one sick chick!!! Uhhhh, anywayz, through darkness lies eternity and all that...uhhhh...gotta go, it's LETTERMAN TIME! All RIGHT!!!!

Justin - Elephant Hunter, of the cookie/candy sort
Friday, April 25, 1997
You guys are cool!! But what you need are BRANCHES!! Yeah... anyways... um... sspl... spla... yeah... I'll get it one day... ...

The Red-Headed Vixen and Smashley
Thursday, April 24, 1997
Attention girls who are trying to hit on the following memembers of the Brotherhood of Splatt:HyperSplatt, Splatt,Splatt-x. This is Kate and Ashley speaking. The members listed above are unavailable at the time and therefore will ignore your vain attempts to pursue them. If any of you decide to keep up your hot pursuit of OUR men, we will have to have you banished from the face of the earth. And if you still continue to send these lusty letters to OUR men, then we will have you sent into the next millenium, by which time they will all be available, and if there not then we'll be getting sick of them anywayz. There is only one exception to this rule, and that is as follows:If you have any ties or personal relationships with Clay Walker, Val Kilmer, or the sexy orator from Pasadena high school, and you would be willing to make a trade, please notify us ASAP at Thank you.

The Red-Headed Vixen
Thursday, April 24, 1997
HaHA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Oh my. Kilts. Ha HA. Oh my gosh. Geez, showing some skin there, huh you guys? I'm impressed. Clay who?

Dale! -
Thursday, April 24, 1997
Well as always you guyz r doing great with the page. I do wonder, however, if I should keep those kilt pictures for future blackmail purposes... Oh, did I say that out loud? Oops.. Well, you guyz keep it up, stop by sometime, I'm always bored.

Jose Valdez - N/A
Thursday, April 24, 1997
Splatt-Fu kicks major butt. We think you guys rock. Don't ever change your ways. Add more stuff about Splatt-Fu he's awsome.

Melissa,Sarah,and Brenna :)
Wednesday, April 23, 1997
Splat sounds GROOVY!!! We do STuPID StUfF!We're going to kiss all of the light poles inthe neighborhood now!! BYE!! C U later!!

Maggie Merwin
Monday, April 21, 1997
You guys rock! I never knew people that were as crazy as my friends and i are. I would also like to see a pic of Tom(?)(the one with the hat)'s girlfriend. Because he is hot! well i hope your friendship lasts forever!e-mail me!

Laura Jane
Wednesday, April 16, 1997
Geez, why couldn't you have been around when I was at Nac? High school would've been WAY better!

Vember -- aka Joe Arrellano's sis :)
Wednesday, April 16, 1997
Hey, I'm just making my page, but I want it to be cool, so I'm putting you guys in my links!Splatt on!

Shelbie P.
Monday, April 14, 1997

El Presidente - http://www.Smoothness in a
Friday, April 11, 1997
Hail to the cheif...he's one bad dude.

Thursday, April 10, 1997
All hail Splatt!!! The man himself has been elected President of next year's NacogdochesHigh School Junior Class!!! Next stop...THE WORLD!!!!!!!!

Joe "Take me to your leader" Arellano
Wednesday, April 09, 1997
Hey thanxs Tamara its not ev..DoH! um yeah thanxs...

Tamara Merklin
Tuesday, April 08, 1997
I like your page. You guys are pretty cute. Joe es muy guapo! I'll visit again later.

Tammy Jo Perez
Wednesday, April 02, 1997
it is phat. I would love to join

Suzanne Boler
Monday, March 31, 1997
You guys are CRAZY! I have never seen anything like this!

Amanda -
Saturday, March 29, 1997
This is a really cool site! A little strange, but that's alright, my friends and I are pretty weird too :)

Thursday, March 27, 1997
You guys are pretty cool. I wish there was something like this in Michigan. There are lots o' guys that do stuff just as stupid up here.

Andy Harvey
Thursday, March 27, 1997
Nice page...I wish I had something like this in Tyler

HyperSplatt -- in the cyber-flesh
Tuesday, March 25, 1997
This measly attempt at a counter-group known as "Splish" will NEVER come CLOSE to being as cool as Splatt! In fact, I doubt it will ever even become more popular than macrame. HAH!!!!!!!! May the force of Splatt be with you!!!!!!!!

Still Angry
Monday, March 24, 1997
And another thing! Splish does not suck!! Besides the fact that it is almost completely non-exsistent, it is just as cool as Splatt.

The ANGRY R. H. Vixen
Monday, March 24, 1997
Horses WHAT? Excuse me?? I know you didn't say that! That's IT! You better sleep with one eye open tonight in case a mob of angry equestrians sees that!!!!

The One and Only Splatt -
Monday, March 24, 1997
Excellent work, Hung. Greetings to all you future visitors...I hope that you enjoy this web page as much as I do. Hey, by the way Kate, horses still suck...almost as much as SPLISH. Hah. Eat it. Le come. Aung gong.

Ginger Hamilton & Blair Baxter
Saturday, March 22, 1997
yor moma! I live Nac. and I don't know Jack about this thing.

al. D
Monday, March 17, 1997
TURN THE BLOODY MUSIC OFF!!!ITS REALLY BAD....that said, you guys are freaks...that is all

Susie -again
Sunday, March 16, 1997
I forgiot to tell you I totally agree that well, MUD bites the big twinkie

Susie Lake
Sunday, March 16, 1997
Y'all are so cool. I was looking for something else in a search engine, and it came up with this. I must have just spent the last hour looking and laughing at/with you. It's too bad we don't have someting like this in Ohio. Well, it would have a gender switch. Have fun splatting on!!

Blair Baxter
Thursday, March 13, 1997
Hey splat!I used to live in Nac. and this is the only thing about it on the net attaway to REPRASENT!

Wednesday, March 12, 1997
Dear Guys, I have to admit that I was curious to know what Splatt was and when I went through I found it pretty funny. You guys must have so much fun. I think Splatt is cool and keep up your stupidity.

Mr. Ed
Friday, March 07, 1997

Friday, March 07, 1997
This sweet, normal girl is going to meet CLAY WALKER!!! I'm taking the Vixen with me. Go figure. Don't worry though, we still love, adore, and worship Splatt.

Bob Queso
Friday, March 07, 1997
soy guapo. muy muy muy muy muy muy muy muy muy muy muy guapo... los caballos se chupan. por supuesto. soy queso. adios.

Friday, March 07, 1997

Meredith Middlebrook
Wednesday, March 05, 1997
nice job, cuz! glad to see it all turned out well. catch you later!

Henry Middlebrook
Wednesday, March 05, 1997
WOW-- all this from my dorky nephew :)

Robert Brooks
Wednesday, March 05, 1997
Splat is different but is cool

Tuesday, March 04, 1997
I think that the page title is really cool. I haven't looked around yet, but I think that it's gonna be good!

Joe "Yo SOY QUESO" Arellano
Monday, March 03, 1997
Well lets see somthing good about on a sec....ok GOT IT! SPLATT ON BROTHER! ...??? yeah thats it!

Monday, March 03, 1997
Say red head, Horses really suck! Why dont you put lions on this page eating the horses. "super" SPLATT can save the horses, and be your hero.I GUESS HE ALREADY IS! uh. See ya.Keep SPLATTERS CXER's! Kmc

Monday, March 03, 1997
What's up guys! This is a pretty cool site!I finally got around to seeing it, but I have to admitt I didn't expect such an interesting collection SPLATT perophinalia( excuse the spelling)! See yall around. SPLATT ON!

Hung T. Nguyen (Dragon Echo ChuckSplatt) -
Monday, March 03, 1997
The page has really bloomed, eh? Everything looks real nice. . .

Christina Pelton - no
Saturday, March 01, 1997
you guys are crazy, but splatt is well i guess you can say AWESOME!

Katie Batt
Saturday, March 01, 1997
Hi I enjoyed reading your page. so it shows you girls surf though here too.

TT Splatt (pieman) -
Saturday, March 01, 1997
Hi ! . . . um . . . okay . . . bye-bye now . . . sort of . . . maybe . . . SPLATT ON BROTHER!

TT Splatt -
Saturday, March 01, 1997
Hi ! . . . um . . . okay . . . bye-bye now . . . sort of . . . maybe . . . SPLATT ON BROTHER!

Friday, February 28, 1997
life is good drink beer!!!!

HyperSplatt the Crazy Monkey
Thursday, February 27, 1997
Hello. I just wanted to say that I am completely insane. For now.

The Red-Headed Vixen
Thursday, February 27, 1997
Gee, this page looks alright, but there are some improvments you could make. Like, say for instance, why don't you put some horses on here somewhere. Just replace the profile of that guy Splatt with a picture of a really big horse.

Sandi Davis
Thursday, February 27, 1997
well, i dont get "splatt" but just wanted tosing the guestbook and say hi to ya all...i live in california and am new to "splatt"MAYBE ONE DAY ILL GET IT!!!! :) :)

John Dawson
Wednesday, February 26, 1997
Hello fellow Texans. Be odd.

Erin Samaratunga
Wednesday, February 26, 1997
I recently moved from nacogdoches and your homepage is the only info. that I could bring up. GOOD JOB!!!! if you know Eric Fuller tell him I said Hello!!!! * SMILE *

HyperSplatt -
Wednesday, February 26, 1997
He who commands the present controls the past. He who controls the past conquers the future. He who is splatty is in possession of the ULTIMATE POWER!!!!!! SPLATT ON!!!!!!!

Dale! -
Wednesday, February 26, 1997
Isn't it odd that I don't have a personal page myself... hmm.. I'll have to work on that... You guys are doing a great job. Keep it up and you can have my job. Then I could retire to the Bahamas and Splatt on the beach all day...

Splatt -
Wednesday, February 26, 1997
i like splatt. i am cool. and handsome. hung sucks. i rock. my bad. where does all this go? i wanna see the other guests...

 <- Sign the Splatt Guestbook