The Splatt Guestbook Continued

 <- Sign the Splatt Guestbook  ->
Monday, July 5, 1999
Asian Mafia God
Hga;ygnjkh, ertiu
This page is disgusting. WHen our politicians talk about garbage on the web they should refer to this trash. I am ashamed to know you fools.

Watch out for horse heads in your beds. ( that wasn't suppose to rhyme.)

Monday, July 5, 1999
Riley and Brandon
H-town!!!!!!!, TX
Nice page......UBERNAUSTRUM!!!!
What's up with OO-Splatt and definetly that Dyper-Splatt....I mean, HYPER-Splatt. Keep on truckin'!

Sunday, July 4, 1999
Splitt Ends
Hey, umm I feel that like since umm I've like know you all since like ummm 8th grade and all that I should like umm be under the Friends of Splatt Girls side and stuff. And umm like if at all possible if I could like get a better picture of me in the Sisterhood section that would like umm be like awesome and stuff.
Thanks, Splitt Ends

Thursday, July 1, 1999
The Worms DC Universe, the HOME of the Brotherhood of the Concrete Donkey
(WORMSDC website coming soon)

We here at the B.O.C.D (pronouced Bucked) commend the B.O.S (Pronouced Boss) for their 1-derful homepage. The B.O.C.D wish to honour the B.O.S's deceaded friend by giving you ALL honourary membershiop to B.O.C.D and access to the WORMSDC club and unofficial homepage.

Ben Paddon
inSani-T PD Productions


Thursday, July 1, 1999
This site is cool...sorry about your friend dying and all...this is my first look and it is cool...ever think of having a picture of the flag so we can see it in full glory?

I hope to enjoy what else is on the site

inSani-T PD Productions, England

Tuesday, June 29, 1999
James Brant
The Mary ol' land of OZ,
Hello to ya'l
I just thought I would drop a line and let ya know that not all of us are a bunch of pre verts who run around in our boxers all the time. Well you Texicans have fun and take care.

May peace, love, happiness, and Christ be with you always.


Tuesday, June 29, 1999
what u guys doin?

Friday, June 25, 1999
Cassandra McGowan
Arkansas City , Kansas
It was really funny, and I love the pictures. I pesonally take a lot of pictures of friends and stuff. So I thought that was cool.

Thursday, June 24, 1999
somewhere over the rainbow,
Hey, me again. When is 00-splatt coming home???

Thursday, June 24, 1999
Ruston, Louisiana
Cute,Lovely, damn since you don't want to be hit upon now what do i say?you took away all my material with that one disclaimer! oh heavens now my life shall never be perfect or complete.......seriously though nice page

Peace and Luv

Wednesday, June 23, 1999
a girl in the Chick Clique
You guys are sooooooo hot!!!!!! Those college girls will be droolin'! Anyways, you are the bestest buds ever. Some memories never fade, and I know I'll remember you forever. If coolness were people, you guys would definately be China! Well, at least India, that is. Who am I ?

Wednesday, June 23, 1999
You guys are the coolest boys I know! I wish you could all come to India with me! Have a thrilling July! Come to the 4th of July party @ mi casa on... the 4th! Man, your smart! Ummmmmmm........I luv you all! Esp.....all.

Monday, June 21, 1999
Nettie Kisner
Ark City , KS
You guys seem to be very fun people! I have had the honor of meeting 00-splatt and HYPERSPLATT...well intoduced to me as Thomas and Doug. I am sure the rest of you are as...Vivacious and interesting, and fun, and well just as splattified as these two! ( I know that was bad...forgive me!) Keep doing stupid things! (Life would be dull with out us crazy people!)

Sweetly and Sincerly,

Monday, June 21, 1999
Nettie Kisner
Ark City , KS
You guys seem to be very fun people! I have had the honor of meeting 00-splatt and HYPERSPLATT...well intoduced to me as Thomas and Doug. I am sure the rest of you are as...Vivacious as these two! Keep doing stupid things! (Life would be dull with out us crazy people!)

Sweetly and Sincerly,

Monday, June 21, 1999
Nacogdoches, Texas
I thought that Splatt was losing some of its insanity for a while there, but the graduation party conviced me that ya'll are still really out there. Good luck with life.

Saturday, June 19, 1999
Springfield, Missouri
I like your page a lot.
I think it is cool how you put so many pictures on the page.
Well,gotta go now,Bye and God Bless

Wednesday, June 16, 1999
erin colleen harris one of thomas and doug's friends leslies sis
nac . tx., 75961
i love you guys.STAY COOL THOMAS .

Tuesday, June 15, 1999
the most borig town in, Texas
Hi y'all!
I haven't been here in a while, so I thought I'd drop in,
Your page looks great. Hard to believe that y'all have all graduated. In the VI's all but 2 graduate next year, then the 2 "young uns" graduate the next year--boy am i looking foreward to it! anyway, i'll quit rambling... come see our site--it's slowly but surely bieng updated!
TAS-- VI's

Tuesday, June 15, 1999
the most borig town in, Texas

Wednesday, June 9, 1999
Look Tommy, or should I say Mr. Mindy, I did have the flag for a long time. In fact I almost had it for a week before anyone caught on I had it. Additionally, when I said you wouldn't let me finish lunch I was refering to how mean you guys were b/c you wouldn't let a guy eat. Up until then I had the flag for a good 6 days. So there

Friday, June 4, 1999
Skylar again
i screwed up my web link on the other post (which was EXTREMELY long, and i didn't mean for it to be so long! so shoot me, i was HYPER!) ok, i just wanted to fix the link, since i need some traffic at my page! lol...noone seems to be interested in monologues and scenes, which is what my page is all about for now! lol, ok, i guess i'm through now.


Friday, June 4, 1999
Little Rock, AR
GW Bush was cool. Not so sure about your Valedictorian. The Splatt bound for Rice. Needs to be ready to lose money on the Golf Course. Guess who????

Thursday, June 3, 1999
Knoxville , TN
the page is neat. i ran across it on accident, but that was a pretty good accident if ya ask me! well, i was just wondering if any of you guys ever had a Spanish teacher named Ms. Lynch. i had her this year, and she grew up in Doches, and taught some school there. she was full of plenty of stories about 'Doches and the rivalry with that town in i think Louisiana or somewhere like that. same distance from the border as 'Doches and has a similar name...well, she tried to pump me for info on who the people in Splatt were since i explained that you guys were from 'Doches (i rather the nickname for the town. i can't spell good enough for the full name!) and she instantly was trying to pry me of information. i didn't have any on me, and then was banned from all internet access for a long time. i just now got back. well, she's now at Karns High in Knoxville TN (home of the beavers...whoo hoo...who actually WANTS to be a beaver???) well, i'm done now! laterz all!


Wednesday, June 2, 1999
Solomon, that is why you STILL have a lot to learn about argumentation. If you had the flag for such a long time, how come you weren't able to finish lunch???

Wednesday, June 2, 1999
Solomon Chang
Just in my defense. IT WAS 3 on 1!!!!!!! I could only
hold out for so long, and if I do say so myself I think I did a good job. I had the flag for a LONG time before the splatty people came to my house. THEY WOULDN'T EVEN LET ME FINISH LUNCH!!!!!

Wednesday, June 2, 1999
Ontario, Canada, K0M-2B0
This site rules! No offense to any of you, but Thomas is looking pretty good. E-mail me sometime Thomas, i would love to hear from you. You look like a very interesting person. Well, keep up the good work, I'm sure you'll do good. Bye 4 Now.

Monday, May 31, 1999
sterling, virginia
umm well this is ok i guess
but ive seen better u guys
man o man this really sux (hehe) just playin
its ok its kool i guess
well hope u get good grades in school and let god be with u
eat lots of cheese
and dont forget to brush ur teeth
yes im female but hey i got male freinds
well hope to never come back again (joke)

Saturday, May 29, 1999
Angelle Michigan
I am so far... very amused... and its got a pretty good layout too! :)

Saturday, May 29, 1999

Friday, May 28, 1999
00-Splatt and Gang,
Wheaton, Illinois
Well, the infamous Solomon Chang stole the Splatt Flag. The reason we know this is because we tortured him and pulled out his toe hairs until he relented and gave it back. What a wus! Only one hour of torture and he gave willpower. We tied him up with jumper cables and pinned him to the ground and he couldn't stop whining, "Asian BRUTALITY!!" The funny thing is that there was only one Asian within a million miles of the scene and he was the one holding him hostage! (Hung you smoothie!) Well it's safely in our hands now by any means. So Splatt on! but watch your stuff or some Chinese person may take off with it.

Wednesday, May 26, 1999
Morrisville, Pa
Good Idea! Cool page. Your parents must be prud

Sunday, May 23, 1999
Kayoko Hirao
yao-shi Osaka Japan,
Splatt is cool,I think.I'm looking forward to look
your new pictures.

Saturday, May 22, 1999
The Pudu
Puduville, Pudu
Beware the Pudu...

We are all around you...

Tuesday, May 18, 1999
Greg King (Mordecus)
Mooresville Indiana, 46158
Looking good guys. It's good to see that I'm not the only one with a good sense of humor.

Monday, May 17, 1999
Wow you guys So like rock! i wish that i could like do a cheer for you because you seem like the kind of guys that would like totally BOND with use like cheerleaders! Yeh! woohoo!!! Love ya!!!!

Monday, May 17, 1999
Cebu City,
You guys Rock!

Sunday, May 16, 1999
Drew(a.k.a. HeAd a.k.a Drizzle)
nowhere, UTOPIA!!!!!!
Dear Members of the Splatt...I have found that you have stumbled across a great force in the universe...This force that you believe you have discovered and have taken control of was also discovered by two young genntlemen by the names of Drew and Matt(a.k.a. Drizzle and Mizatt) Now we have also discovered that your "Splatt" is a great forced which is actually spawned from the inner being of the great Pa'tang Wow Wow...Pa'tang is a great cow which can and does control this with absolute power of this great force. Now onto buisness...Matt and I discovered this force long ago and are willing to share the wealth of our experiments along with you if you are willing. Other things that we have learned are such amazing discoveries as...The "Splatt" controls all things stupid like you have said...but to further this when learning to control the power correctly you can over come much pain...such as jumping off of fairly tall objects..standing up and being fine...But the most amazing thing we have found is that your "Splatt" can cause a person to become extremely hyper 24/7...this has happened in Matt and I...We are willing to join forces of our power with you and together become great


Saturday, May 15, 1999
Amanda s
nacho-gracias, , TX
Hi. Sorry I haven't talked to some of you in a while(how 'bout in over a year). Been through a tuff time lately. I'm really proud of you guys though. I'm really going to miss you. Coooooooool webpage!

Thursday, May 13, 1999
horse lover
Nacogdoches, TX,
Ya'll are the bomb!

Wednesday, May 12, 1999
YO Momma

Wednesday, May 12, 1999
Searcy, AR
You know, it's so exciting to read this message guys are just crazy - the whole lot of you!

And Hung, I just want you to know that I still love you, even though I am only mentioned *briefly* on the Friends page. No hard feelings...I know you're busy. :)

By the way, congratulations to all of my fine-feathered friends who will soon be graduating into a new and exciting world of ... freedom (yeah, right!)! Get ready, cause the fun's not over yet!!


Wednesday, May 12, 1999
Michael Brann
Litchfield , Maine

Tuesday, May 11, 1999
hi there...hehe...hehe... :o)

Tuesday, May 11, 1999
Tiffany Santini
Ont. Canada,
Um... lets see! This is a cool web page and I'm glad that I got to see what you guyz "Splatt" are all about!

Lotza Luv

Monday, May 10, 1999
hon, hi
Can u tell me what u guys do for fun??
Thats all....

Sunday, May 9, 1999
Helenski, Finland
Time to update the page Hung ol' boy. But this page of magic and wonders still amazes me. I guess this means the Star Wars party is cancelled, now that everyone and their dog knows about it. See you guys later.

Saturday, May 8, 1999
Nac-a-doughnut, TX
Somebody once said: "Good riddance to bad relish!"..... I agree, good riddance! and Splatt-On (*clap-clap*)

Friday, May 7, 1999
A noble man
i am a smart dignified man.

Thursday, May 6, 1999
Nacogdoches, TX
ONe of these days, I'm gonna update the page . . . but not today!

Wednesday, May 5, 1999
Lum tha Pikachu
YO momma, Denial
Hmmmmm. rock.

Sunday, May 2, 1999
rock on

Wednesday, April 28, 1999
yall sound like a pretty cool lil group...

Monday, April 26, 1999
Hmmmmmmm...well, Nick (a.k.a. "Mr. Spanky"), let me just say that your enthusiasm is quite interesting, but that this guestbook is not a forum for discussing your personal fantasies.

Monday, April 26, 1999
How am I supposed to write something good about a lot of hot senior guys...I mean some older guys ummm...
oh yeah nick says "Hi Tommy!" See y'all later alligator. I guess I better go because this is really long and REALLY pointless. Hope to write ya later.

Oh yeah Sarah says hi too.

oh yeah again I know which freshmen like Adam I'll be in touch. I love you guys!
your favorite freshmen girl,

Monday, April 26, 1999

Sunday, April 25, 1999
this is 00-Splatt and as an overseer of this page I would like to say to the unnamed message below this one that that was fairly rude and a bit uncalled for; the situation was over and I don't have any Idea where that harshness came from.

Sunday, April 25, 1999
whatever "concerned friend" is talking about, I think it goes to show that people should mind their own business and try to actually KNOW WHAT they are TALKING ABOUT before they go blabbing about it.

Saturday, April 24, 1999

Saturday, April 24, 1999
shiloh, israel
Hey..I know you;ve got a lot of responses, "concerned friend", but here's another: Lets all have a big honkin' party with everybody! it'll be cool but only if ya'll come. besides ...we dig chicks!

Saturday, April 24, 1999
Nacogdoches, Tx
Whoa! Hey, it look like somebody is mistaken! The so-called "Splatt Star Wars Party" is nonexistent; I believe that our anonymous guest has mistaken our "Splatt Graduation Party" for a "Splatt Star Wars Party". The confusion is, however, justified since all of us like Star Wars and our graduation party is only three days after the opneing of the new Star Wars. Even so, our anonymous guest still shouldn't feel left out: we have barely even begun to hand out invitations to the "Party" and I'm sure whoever it was that left that entry will get one. If not, we're sorry because I'm sure we are/were just being forgetful. We really don't try to exclude anyone, but, sometimes, it gets tough to coordinate who has invited who to what and when and if so-and-so has heard of the party and if they are coming or not or if they are bringing a friend. It ESPECIALLY gets tough when you have eight different people and a wide base of friends to coordinate. Anyway, enough of my rambling. The point is, if your friends want to come or if you want to come, you are now invited. We PROMISE that you won't be intruding.

Saturday, April 24, 1999
As far as I know, there is no Star Wars party planned. You're friends have been misinformed. If there were to be a party involving Splatt, I can promise you that I would know about it. I have, with good reason, been given the title of "Party Queen". As a note toward invites to our parties, sometimes we have large parties in which everyone is invited, but a lot of times we choose to have small get-togethers in which we only invite a small group of close friends. I'm sorry if your friends feel left out, but I assure you that we have absolutely noyhing against them. We are always open to people coming into our group.

Saturday, April 24, 1999
I love you guys. The page's looking great. See you groovy dudes later!

Friday, April 23, 1999
Mauryn Celeste
Ok. Pay absolutely no attention to that entry about that Splatt party. It is a nice try to make a point and statement which may be true, but since it has so evidence and is proving to be false to Hung, i do believe that it should be ignored.Thanks.
oh yeh, love the site.

Friday, April 23, 1999
Call me an idiot, but I have no idea who posted that previous post. In addition, if the Brotherhood has been planning a Star Wars party, I have no idea about it myself!

Friday, April 23, 1999
a concerned friend
Dear Splatt,
It has come to my attention over the past few days that you guys are going to be throwing a Star Wars party soon. In addition to this discovery, I have also found out that a certain sister of one of the Splatts and a very close friend of that sister (and might I add that she has been to one of your parties before) have not been invited to this particular party. I am not this sister nor this friend, but, let's just say, a quiet individual who has heard about this, and, since these two individuals are both my friends, I have also been hurt by this (even though I myself have never been to one of your parties, or even thought I would be invited). I'm sorry if I have sounded a little rude, or out of my place, since you guys have the right to invite whomever you please, but I know that these two people have spent ALL of this year trying to be included in your group, and just when they thought that they were making progress, it turns out that they were no closer to being Friends of Splatt than they were at the beginning of the year. These two individuals are the most awesome people I know, and, if you would give them a chance, I know you would think so too.

Thursday, April 22, 1999
Charleston, SC
I thought the Splatt and Splitt site was great. I happend on it by accident and I'm glad I took the time to go through it, I am glad to see that people can still be silly-I wish I could be a member-Shannon

Thursday, April 22, 1999
Erin Price

Thursday, April 22, 1999

Thursday, April 22, 1999
Donna Gail Brown!!!!!!
Nacogdoches, TX
It was very entertaining. ( Tom just don't put a naked picture of yourself in it.) That would be to entertaining!I'll miss you in AP Biology.

Sunday, April 18, 1999
little rock, ar
wow. i have no idea how i got here, but wow.

Saturday, April 17, 1999
Jeanie and Andrea
Harrisonburg , VA
Pretty good page. get a little more buffer and you can pose for playgirl.

Yours Truley
Jeanie and Andrea
(Two playboy models)

Friday, April 16, 1999
Pat Kron
St. Louis, Missouri
You guys are hot!

Thursday, April 15, 1999
naco- know- where?, bob
j'aime le SPLATT. je suis terible!!! j'adore les loutres!!! y por los personas que hablan espanol(tilda
over "n"): !(that is upside down)soy un hombre de DIOS! me gusta los nutrias. y portuguese: onde esta meu calcinas??? (sorry there are no russian symbols on this keyboard) e pluribus unum. YEAH! aND rEMEMBER bEWARE oF tHE dRIVE bEE!!!! aNY eRROR wITH iT cOULD bE fATAL!!!!

Wednesday, April 14, 1999
Nacogdoches, TX
Just making sure things are working here. Hey everyone, I know it's been a bit slow on the updates, but it'll all come crashing down sometime soon. I'll have everything updated the way I want, AND the big graduation edition of the page will be up sometime late in May. So hold on!

Tuesday, April 13, 1999
Splatt Fu
Nacogdoches , Texas
I just called to say that your camel is on fire.

Saturday, April 10, 1999
Like the page...
It has style, it has class, and it definitely kicks..uhh...bootie. Nice college choices too!. Shows intelligence in a man, now does it not.

Wednesday, April 7, 1999
Splatt,Queso 759Need cheese?,
I never realized how much I am cared for think im gonna cry! :<| ......... Uh If I was a red rose life would be a big stinkin FISH!

Wednesday, April 7, 1999
SplattQueso the fish man
Fish,Fish 759fish,
If I was a rainbow then life would be a big fat stinkin

Wednesday, April 7, 1999
keep it up!

Wednesday, April 7, 1999
Justin from that place they call highschool
Nacogdcohes, TX
Nevermind, I see it.

YO...I love the page. Keep it up.

Wednesday, April 7, 1999
Justin from that place they call highschool
Nacogdcohes, TX
Yo splatt on everybody.
How come you don't have a link to my page on da page?

Tuesday, April 6, 1999
Hey guys I love the page it's really cool. I love you guys too and I hope to get to know some of you better before you leave. Bye!

Tuesday, April 6, 1999
Chuck Silly
Santa Rosa, CA
What's up? Heh thanks for contributing to the deconstruction of America. I am wondering about possiblities of starting a chapter in my home town. God know there are pleanty of stupid people here. Please get Back to me on this.

Tuesday, April 6, 1999
Lisa Tyho
Nacogdoches, TX
My friend Abigail told me about this page.. well its great but i really love the "HE is Risen" thats wonderful that you remember what easter is all about. Love In Christ! Lisa

Tuesday, April 6, 1999
Amber Williams
Nacogdoches, TX
Hey Yall!!
I'm so excited! I'm considered a friend of Splatt. =)
This is actually a very exciting thing for me. Anyways...
I can't wait to get to know you guys even better.
I am going to miss yall when yall graduate, though.
Well, see ya. ~Amber

you guys are great.
I love this page.

Tuesday, April 6, 1999
Brian Haberman
You got a really cool page here.

Tuesday, April 6, 1999
Brett Wilson
But I was goin to Tashee Station to pick up some power converters!
Live long and prosper.

Tuesday, April 6, 1999
Nacogdoches, TX
Bits of Wisdom, by Tom:


There is a purpose for every time and a time for every purpose. Wonderful bits of wisdom, by Tom, the unsung member of The Byrds.

Tuesday, April 6, 1999
Nac, TX
I love all of you guys. I'm going to miss you when you graduate. I'm glad that you put the Honoree picture of everyone up. I really like that picture. It'll be so weird when all of you leave me, but you have to come back occasionally and visit me.

I Love You Guys!!! Don't forget about me.

Tuesday, April 6, 1999
Archduchess Beliya'al
9th Circle of Hell, Hell
nice site!!
ermm.. interesting
keep on being mad, it rules!!

Tuesday, April 6, 1999
Nacogdoches, The Void
I am stuck in the void with nothing going on. The void has surronded me in a gray mass.. HHHEEEEELLLLPPPP!!! ME! if anyone gets this please send help!

Tuesday, April 6, 1999
Alfresnero Hidalgoritasorica
Triploi, Tunisia
Eye luve yor paige, onley, u misspeled mi freind, Tim Brelanggur's namez. Eye theenk u shuld chanje everee refferrence two hes namez bifor eye bom yor hows.

Tuesday, April 6, 1999
Holly Neitzelt
Redding, California
Yeah, I think it is kind of rude that you guys will not let some girls find out about. You seem like nice guys and all but come on it's not like every girl will hit on you. I mean it's not like their gonna want to go out or anything. I think you should take that off of your screen. I like your little club you have got going on though.


Tuesday, April 6, 1999
Abigail Abt
Naca-no-where, TX
Hey, Im not really sure who the person is that signed you guest book and stood up for me ( they seem a bit comfused) however they did get one thing right, I would really like it if you spelled my name right, but hey dont worry about it people do it all the time! You guys are great...keep it up!!!

Monday, April 5, 1999
Nacogdoches, TX

The new guestbook is up . . . I'll put up the entries from the temp one soon enough. I lost a bunch of them, though (dumb me). I could only save the last seven or so entries from that, and I've lost probably the whole 10 something entries from WAY back when before the server went down. The last entry here was made sometime late 1998. Hah.

Well, at least the guestbook is back up. And go wild! If you've signed it before, sign it again!

 <- Sign the Splatt Guestbook  ->