The Splatt Guestbook

 <- Sign the Splatt Guestbook  ->
nikki from roanoke , va USA -
Sunday, October 29, 2000 at 12:26:26 (CST)
Hey, i loved the mr T thing and you boys are so crazy i like a crazy boy thought **wink** hehe buh bye *blows kiss*

AVery from C S, Tx USA
Sunday, October 29, 2000 at 01:58:01 (CST)

well I was on and I saw this site come up...hey do you think I can get an email address
like eh?
ha I said eh!

Panky from London, UK -
Saturday, October 28, 2000 at 04:38:14 (CDT)

Hey Guys great site!
like your name... I run a site called! how about that? Check it out, you can get your own email free webspace with loads of things going on do you guys want to get involved?
The Splatman!

Melissa Joy Bob from Nacogdoches, TX USA -
Friday, October 27, 2000 at 22:53:09 (CDT)

Hehehe!! you guys rock, 'specially Adam!!! Long live Easy Cheese!

Smorgasborg from Somewhere, USA
Friday, October 27, 2000 at 14:53:17 (CDT)

Brett has my approval because he was sportin' that stylish red vest-bow tie combo at Prom. Anyone with that much taste deserves a fan club! Brett is awesome!

P.S. Redrum is hot.

Adrian from AUSTRALIA!!,
Thursday, October 26, 2000 at 02:27:38 (CDT)

Hey, Vicz from Man. England - you seem a bit........evil.

splatt out!

Adrian Castelli from Gold Coast, QLD AUS
Wednesday, October 25, 2000 at 08:23:15 (CDT)

hey all you americans! what's up?
i'm sick with a fever, and to be brutally honest, pretty delirious at the moment! heehee look at the lil pink bunny wabbit.......

come here lil bunny wabbit......

(i am semi intelligent, trust me)

M E R E D I T H from USA
Saturday, October 21, 2000 at 23:50:26 (CDT)

amen, sistah.....amen. I love you Therese! I wanted to call you today, but by the time I had a chance, it was 6 o clock, and I didn't want to disturb you in the night! or.....where ever you would be.....heh, heh, groove for me at the clubs, baby...groove...

Erin and Meredith!! from not anywhere in Spain *sigh*, USA
Saturday, October 21, 2000 at 12:16:57 (CDT)

Therese!!! - our awe of your amazing person is so deep within our hearts that a fan club would just not adequately suffice! ... a fan club could never express our love fully enough!!! WE LOVE YOU THERESE!!

Adrian, again. from soon to be texas (if i get into uni), blah blah
Thursday, October 19, 2000 at 01:16:58 (CDT)

who is this brett?

Steve Toth from San Leandro, CA USA
Tuesday, October 17, 2000 at 10:11:24 (CDT)


Therese Sampietro from Madrid, Spain
Tuesday, October 17, 2000 at 03:06:28 (CDT)

Greetings to all from across the great pond. I hope you are all well. Me I am going crazy. Too much travel and school. But should I really complain about having such an exciting life. Please drop me a line sometime, esp those I haven´t talked to in while. And somebody try to explain the Brett fan club too. I know he´s cool, but really guys! What about the Therese Fan Club?

Vicz from Manchester, England
Monday, October 16, 2000 at 11:45:50 (CDT)

What the hell are you guys all about, I can't relly fathom your purpose, existance, and right to be ALIVE!!! Heh heh haa haaa HAAAAA.....

Bekah (aka Former Sister...) from Searcy, AR USA
Saturday, October 14, 2000 at 12:57:31 (CDT)

Wow, it's been a while! Funny how a random visit to this old bookmarked site turns into more of a high school reunion...have I really been gone that long? Well, let's see - between London and New York City and Searcy, AR, I guess I've been pretty much everywhere but Nac lately - the worse for me, I must confess! Not to say that life isn't great, because it is - and crazy as ever as well - but there are some friends, some experiences, some parts of you that will forever exist, bringing a smile to your face everytime... (yeah, yeah, here I am, an English major, using the Forbidden Second Person...gosh, I'm way too deep into this school stuff- can't even write an informal message without critiquing the writing style...)

Anyway, just wanted to show some love for all my dear ones at - even some of the more random visitors to the site, i.e. Bryan Sams Who Needs to Write Me - and say that I love you all and I hope things are well, and all the other traditional garbage of Well-Wishing, and I'll be waiting for an invite to the next Splatt function... :)

PS - My Inbox is always open...hint, hint...

HyperSplatt from New Haven, CT USA
Friday, October 13, 2000 at 15:45:09 (CDT)

I live.....but I remain extremely busy and/or preoccupied. I use ICQ a lot though, Benji, so we can talk if you can get access to that....I strongly dislike email and only use it if necessary.

Hmmm...this message is too serious.


There, that oughta do it.

Benji from Marshall, TX USA
Friday, October 13, 2000 at 12:30:23 (CDT)

Grayson? When did you go to France? Haven't heard from a bunch of y'all in forever. Doug, where are you (I know you are at Yale) but it sounds like you have disappeared from the face of the Earth. Well, just checking up on y'all. Oh, and Hung, I have the picture, just need a stamp, I'll give it to you asap.

~The Pianodevil~

grayson from france -
Friday, October 13, 2000 at 04:08:25 (CDT)


i don't really have anything to say,,,
nothing to tell, nothing new here, my life is boring,,,
wish i had something to say

oh well
vous etes tous salopes!!

The former no club member from Nacogdoches, Tx USA
Tuesday, October 10, 2000 at 19:41:22 (CDT)

Hey everyone guess what! I'm the newest member of the I Love Brett fan club!! I'm so excited finally a club that I can be around people that feel the way I do about Brett. We all love you Brett.

Bye everyone.

Abigail from USA
Tuesday, October 10, 2000 at 13:45:09 (CDT)

Yes...well dont worry everyone....even though meredith is being VERY mature and "pretending" not to really think brett is the coolest, deep down we all know she is the worst of all of us! hahahahahaha

rock on brett!

hey...dont worry we will stop bothering you....someday

Abigail from USA
Tuesday, October 10, 2000 at 13:44:54 (CDT)

Yes...well dont worry everyone....even though meredith is being VERY mature and "pretending" not to really think brett is the coolest, deep down we all know she is the worst of all of us! hahahahahaha

rock on brett!

hey...dont worry we will stop bothering you....someday

Mer from USA
Monday, October 09, 2000 at 20:47:35 (CDT)

even if I wholeheartedly support my fellow kindred, i am not too sure about this little statement....
but, alas, who can not love brett?
irresistable, darling, sweet, cool....
ah, yes......brett......

okay, i'm done. ya happy now?

The Brett Fan Club c/o the president of the pep rally sign committee from Nac-o-nowhere, TX USA
Monday, October 09, 2000 at 20:40:12 (CDT)

We love Brett, yes we do! We love Brett, how about you?!

Go Brett go!

Redrum from N town, USA
Monday, October 09, 2000 at 16:43:20 (CDT)

Brett is the man he goes off his afro gets all the women I am proud to be a loyal member of his fanbase.

BRETT ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The Brett Fan Club from HERE, USA
Monday, October 09, 2000 at 14:34:34 (CDT)

We ALL really love Brett! Dont you?

Sidesplitt from United States, USA
Monday, October 09, 2000 at 09:38:28 (CDT)

Ok, so WHO was engaged? I only knew about two of ya'll. Was there more? I'm going to be in Nac from Oct 11- 14 so call me up or something! You know my number, or if not, email me and I'll let you know. I pray this year is going great for all of you. Some of you ( not to mention any names like Thomas and Adam . just kidding- i love you guys! ) I have been trying to get in touch with for a while and haven't gotton a response back. Maybe I have the wrong emails or whatever. Please let me know how you are doing though. Thanks! As far as my life goes, we just finished doing Acqire the Fire conventions in Tyler, TX, Amherst, MA, and Luoisville, KY. It's hectic, and I will sleep this week too, but God is moving and it's good. It's funny to be on stage in front of literally thousands of people a week, but it's a great oipportunity and I love it. Please pray for me and my sanity! I will pray for you- let me know how. Love you all! You are in my mind continually. :)

Kali Shanti
If you can't reach me at my parent's house, email me to ask for my cell #. :)

Mitzi from Tulsa, OK USA
Saturday, October 07, 2000 at 08:28:18 (CDT)

Hey guys!
Just wanted to say HEY!

toto from kali USA -
Friday, October 06, 2000 at 23:39:22 (CDT)

Cool page. Keep up the good work.

kiliki hea

Antha Guidry from Richardson, TX USA
Wednesday, October 04, 2000 at 22:55:59 (CDT)

The site looks great guys! Email me sometime if you get a chance!

Splattqueso from Tulsa, OK 74136
Wednesday, October 04, 2000 at 18:35:41 (CDT)

Im currently stuck in a infinite loop. I need help from Microsoft.

HyperSplatt from New Haven, CT USA
Wednesday, October 04, 2000 at 18:06:35 (CDT)

Who has time for women? We've got a world to conquer!!!

In all seriousness, though....Yale seems to have a depressing lack of "wholesome" the search goes on for me...

ChuckSplatt from Austin, TX USA -
Tuesday, October 03, 2000 at 02:22:41 (CDT)

You know, I don't even think our friends in the great web even knew we had to of our brothers were engaged. Yes, though, things do come full circle.

We're too cool to be without girlfriends right now, though. (Well, actually, most of us ARE without girlfriends, huh?)

Adrian Castelli from Gold Coast, QLD Australia
Tuesday, October 03, 2000 at 01:29:55 (CDT)

Splatt kicks ass, but maybe consider an update here and there! Chuck, i know you say it's coming, but we want those new sound files and we want those new pictures!!

Splatt On

(I can't say that, can't i?)


Monday, October 02, 2000 at 22:42:06 (CDT)

...splatt is good...bud brad is to...splatt is big... but i own you...remember that always...OR DIE

Splatt from Houston, TX USA -
Monday, October 02, 2000 at 21:24:46 (CDT)

Well, guys, it seems that life moves in circles for us. None of the Brothers are engaged anymore! How's that for a surprise? I remember, back in the days of yore, when there were select times when none of us were even dating. *sigh* Those were the days. But I guess things change, huh? Instead of counting girlfriends, we're counting fiancees. And we're all without. So, even though the situation's slightly different now, I just wanted to let everybody know that the good old days are back. Splatt on.

ashley from USA
Thursday, September 28, 2000 at 18:17:08 (CDT)

you all pretty cute expecially tom

danielle from USA
Thursday, September 28, 2000 at 18:16:05 (CDT)

ur cool

mom from USA
Tuesday, September 26, 2000 at 22:59:39 (CDT)

I was missing you all so much tonight I decided to visit you at the site. Whatever you each need nagging about, consider yourself nagged -- and loved, mom.

Katy Your Best Friend in the Whole World from Saugus, CA USA -
Tuesday, September 26, 2000 at 05:32:30 (CDT)

So late one night (this one) I was doing research for my novel about these three high school misfits and through a Yahoo search I stumbled upon your way rad page. I must admit, I was all but weeping for today's youth (I'm 24 and a half) but upon thoroughly examining your page, including listening to all your heartfelt opera-esque music, my hope in today's youth has been renewed! God bless you, Brotherhood of Splatt! I have linked you to my page. Please check it out. Please also notice my column o' links on the right and check out Das Quotebook. Thank you and drive safely, you little hooligans.
Love and Other Indoor Sports,

Sam Gordon from San Mateo, CA USA
Saturday, September 23, 2000 at 13:38:03 (CDT)

This is the
BEST site I have ever been to! the little dude with the tongue sticking out is soooo cool. Plus my cousin is the original splatt!!!!

nicole from lewisville, tx USA
Friday, September 22, 2000 at 17:32:29 (CDT)


~Ben-ji~ from I originally came from Naconowhere but now I'm from Mar"shack"all, TX USA
Friday, September 22, 2000 at 03:07:00 (CDT)

Well, here I am again, being the strange guy that I am, just thought I'd let you know that college has warpped my mind. I just wanted to tell everyone hi to those who haven't heard from me in a while. The brotherhood of Splatt will continue on no matter where everyone is. We shall forever be the people we are. Splatt on, my friends.


Erin from Drew, Ms USA
Wednesday, September 20, 2000 at 15:02:42 (CDT)

haha!! this is an awesome web page! you gys r so crazy!!
ppl, if u havent looked around the site yet, DO!! these guys r so crazy,Fun,and Most of all CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!
haha!!!guys, u did such a great job on this site, u remind me of all my crazy friends down heya!!!!!!!!!!!
I Miss You Guys!!Shout Out To: Jonathan,Jon,Keith,Heath,Tim,Jason,Seth,Meco,Bobby,
Michael,Ray,And Most Of all AARON!!! I LOVE You So MUCH!!! if u read this i want u to know how much i CARE about u and how much i MISS u!! come back and visit from Washington Baby!!
Love and Peace to everyone who reads this!! once again, u guys r Awesome!! Keep up the good Work!!!!
#Love Erin

704 Brown babes from h-town, tx USA
Monday, September 18, 2000 at 00:56:43 (CDT)

splatt huh?

Pauline from Piney, MB Canada
Saturday, September 16, 2000 at 21:49:43 (CDT)

It Great!

Pauline Gros from Piney, MB Canada
Saturday, September 16, 2000 at 21:17:32 (CDT)'s ....I am speechless!

Therese from Madrid, Spain
Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 07:07:59 (CDT)

Hey-what´s up Americans?I send you all my greetings from españa. Please drop me a line e-mail or snail mail. I really want to keep up with everyone. If you drop me a real letter my address is
Calle Orense 53, 2´B
28020 Madrid Spain

I love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!1

belita from Nacogdoches,Texas, USA
Tuesday, September 12, 2000 at 14:07:41 (CDT)

Hello everybody!guess who writes here...its me Christina from Germany.Perhaps some of you remember me?I hope so!I just wanted to say that I LOVE YOU AAAALLL!!Don't think I forgot you because I didn't contact you since now, but my f..... ICQ is brocken, and I don't know how to fix it, and my school just started again and its A LOT harder than the years before!I have to work really hard this year I guess!(oohh nooo!!)So I really have not much time.But I will write some letters I promise!I really miss everybody over there!Please don't forget me!I really hope to see you again some day, perhaps it'll be possible next summer??I don't know...I just started working to earn some money for that.Ok, I'll finish now, I have to do some homeworks...please tell everybody who doesn't read this that I didn't forget anyone (especially not you Travis....oh yes baby I love you too!:-), uh Meredith a BIG kiss from Florian and Greetings from all the others)
...ok a kiss to EVERYBODY!I LOVE YOU! Bye...hope to hear from you!....Christina

Daniel Siepman of Monkey Wash from Mundelein, IL USA
Tuesday, September 12, 2000 at 13:27:38 (CDT)

Splatt rules!!! Your crazily misinformed antics made me start my own crazy random club...thing...

I thank you, you crezzy people, for making my dreams come true.!@@#%^$^&*#%^T*JGLKFGYu?

E-mail me.



mistik from maywood, il USA
Tuesday, September 12, 2000 at 10:44:06 (CDT)

you guyz are whack.i can't believe that people can have so much guyz have got to e-mail me and personally give me some tips.y'all just keep on doing what you do best,and have fun.

Crazy Girl 2000 from Delevan, Wi USA
Monday, September 11, 2000 at 08:24:09 (CDT)

Hello,Adam,I checked this out and it's pretty cool

Sidesplitt from UNITED STATES, USA
Sunday, September 10, 2000 at 16:57:18 (CDT)

Ok, ok... so I'm not getting married - yet. Or moving out of country, or getting famous ( not intentially anyways ) Just to let you know because I got emails from curious or concerned Splatt brothers after I wrote that entry... I was joking. :) Anyway, you guys are great! Email me! Love you! - Kali

meredith from ......, USA
Sunday, September 10, 2000 at 00:43:43 (CDT)

thanks, hung. you are the best. forever. and ever. yes, indeed.

Funky-Niffer-Bean from austin, co USA
Saturday, September 09, 2000 at 21:59:32 (CDT)

RIGHT, or splatt if you must, on! ooooo-k where do i start-a-roo? i dunno. i think i'm high but maybe not. never can tell really. WOOOOOOOOO GO WHEATUS!! haha funny stuff is.......funny ok i just wasted your guestbook space but who give's? you do! SPLATT'S AND SPLITT'S ARE CooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOooooool! okie buh bye bye FUNKY NIFFER ROX!!!!

Brandon from Lorain, OH USA -
Friday, September 08, 2000 at 15:18:39 (CDT)

Wow, I don't know how you guys do this making the site so wonderful that is. Well, I am so happy for you having such a wonderful site.

Cassie from Chetek, WI USA -
Thursday, September 07, 2000 at 21:26:46 (CDT)

hey adam!
nice page this is cassie from ICQ!
how are you doing?
what have you been up to lately?!
well gotta go!?
talk to ya later!?
bye bye

the artist formally known as bob marley(wess for short) from cañon cityº¿º, CO USA
Thursday, September 07, 2000 at 18:27:38 (CDT)

thought i'd lsjkzdbv

Benji from Naconowhere, TX USA
Wednesday, September 06, 2000 at 18:19:11 (CDT)

Hey Hung, will you please talk to me about getting a new picture? That picture is extremely old. I have hair now, and I do mean I have hair. If anybody saw me now, they wouldn't recognize me, not like they do anyways. Just give me a holler.

Sidesplitt from United States.. literally all over!, USA
Tuesday, September 05, 2000 at 18:50:03 (CDT)

By the way, Hung, thank you much much much for updating my picture. The old one was from Junior year.. yea, old. Much gratitude! Love ya!

Sidesplitt from United States, USA
Monday, September 04, 2000 at 21:24:10 (CDT)

Just decided to visit the site. Well, guys, it's been a while. But I want to say that I miss you all. I'm hitting the road in 3 weeks to travel the US until Thanksgiving.. then I should be coming back to Nacognoewhere. Please email me if you get a chance. Let me know all of you are alive, healthy, and havn't done anything too wacked out like moved to a foriegn country, become famous, or gotten married. ..... Like myself, who am in the process of doing all three. ;) Love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JDSmash from Georgetown, TX USA
Monday, September 04, 2000 at 17:10:05 (CDT)

Hey guys! I miss all of you so much. Think about me on occasion while you're off at school. I think about you guys all the time. Keep in touch and have a fun year. I love you all!

Amanda from Nacogdoches, TX USA
Saturday, September 02, 2000 at 19:15:37 (CDT)

Hey guys! Great page!!!!!
Hung- email me or find me on icq.... I heard that you tried to find me at the movie theater, but I guess we just kept missing each other!!! :(
Talk to you soon!!!
much love,

Kianne from USA
Saturday, September 02, 2000 at 09:12:59 (CDT)

Good and nice. I like it

Splatt-Fu from Fu-ey Ville, Fumen USA
Tuesday, August 29, 2000 at 21:41:54 (CDT)

I would like to thank Splatt-Queso for his feeble attempt to boost my confidence in myself. The truth is I cannot be saved..and will NOT. Splatt-Queso you are a great friend and thanks for caring. Mabey one of these days I will be just as great as you.

Splatt-Queso from USA
Tuesday, August 29, 2000 at 11:50:19 (CDT)

Whenever you see Adam, shake his hand. Whenever you see me, slap my face.

Splatt-Queso from USA
Tuesday, August 29, 2000 at 11:46:24 (CDT)

disregard any later comments which lower the greatness of Adam

Splatt-Queso from USA
Tuesday, August 29, 2000 at 11:43:40 (CDT)

I have finally accepted the fact that Adam will forever be greater than myself.

Coach John Lee from Nacogdoches, TX USA
Tuesday, August 22, 2000 at 19:48:20 (CDT)

Very entertaining page. I laughed til I cried. And I will never, EVER be afraid of singing within earshot of any living creature again!!! Thanks, Splatt.

P.S. Now I know where young Kevin B. gets it from!!!

Panoramics 3D Spain from USA -
Monday, August 21, 2000 at 12:10:18 (CDT)

Thank you very much for your visit to my website about the North of Spain (the Pirynees Mountains). As you say the 3D panoramics are really superb... May I sugest you signing my guestbook? I'd really love if you answer to some of the friends who has already signed, because we're creating the "Altogallego's friends Club" . See you.... WWW.ALTOGALLEGO.COM

Kathryn T. from TX USA
Sunday, August 20, 2000 at 17:44:16 (CDT)

AWESOME page!!! Very funny! (I also think you guys are hot!) asl?? LoL...
Please write me back!
Love always,


mykje from sydney, nsw australia
Sunday, August 20, 2000 at 05:09:36 (CDT)

you guys are hilarious!
i came apon your sitewhen i was looking at a friends of mine she has yours as a link
i looked in the gallery and you all get up to some very modern boyish stunts that only a guy would be so stupid to do. (no offense)
you all seem pretty cool yet slightly strange.
well goodluck with you future lives
luv mykje

Benji from Nacogdoches, TX USA
Thursday, August 17, 2000 at 23:29:03 (CDT)

Well, I thought I'd see this web site before I leave. I hope school isn't as bad as it used to be. I'll be praying for ya'll during the school year. God Bless.

rachel from va USA
Thursday, August 17, 2000 at 10:44:39 (CDT)

hey, cool page. kinda weird the whole idea of splatt. but i guess that's what it's all about eh? you guys just need to work on your singing a little bit. hahaha. well, later

erik from nac, tx USA
Sunday, August 13, 2000 at 22:37:59 (CDT)

TOMMMMMY!......uhh yeah...errrr i mean...."this is the best site i have ever seen and will ever see" <<<<<< how about that

Geena from Waco, TX USA -
Sunday, August 13, 2000 at 02:42:31 (CDT)

What's up guys? Dropped by to say hey.. so HEY!!
Drop me a line sometime and I hope that those of you that slummed in Nac for the summer had a blast. :)

-- Geena

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