The Splatt Guestbook Continued

 <- Sign the Splatt Guestbook  ->
Trang Nguyen
Saturday, November 08, 1997
Be young, Have fun, drink PEPSI!

Thursday, November 06, 1997
This page rocks. Splatt is the coolest society I have heard of. Tom's campain slogans are cool too.

megan eckard
Friday, October 31, 1997
i was just bored in study hall today and so i surfed the net looking for something funny, and i found this. well, hello from kansas city and i hope you guys stick together for a while. peace. Megan

Scott -
Thursday, October 30, 1997
Just a former dragon checking out what rednex from Stack-A-Roaches can do. Not bad. Hey I shouldn't whine, my page sucks too.

Tuesday, October 28, 1997
HEYHEYHEY!! i think you should put ways 2 join splatt on tha page.... there are soooo many spatt-r's out there...inclooding me.... PuNkAsS

Grayson Middlebrook
Monday, October 27, 1997
yhW ma I ton no siht egap rednu sdeirf fo ttalS?

Monday, October 27, 1997
I linked you to my page.....but I don't like this new big pic you have.....still have smaller ones I can use??

Insane Jellibean
Sunday, October 26, 1997
hey punx... this page KIXASS!!

High almighty 00-SPLATT
Friday, October 24, 1997
(Not high,and not really almighty but, hey...who's countin')Hey!!!!! "someone who doesn't suck"!! Don't insult Splatt until you can spell "splat"(you lost a "t") you bozo! And yes Pete I am a babe.

The cheese
Thursday, October 23, 1997
hey! yeah, you down there below're not Splatt. IT'S AN IMPOSTER!!!! EVERYONE TO THE BOMB SHELTER!!!

Wednesday, October 22, 1997
"Splatt":, yeah you! Come here. "Someone who doesn't suck": Duhhh, yeah? "Splatt": Take this! *BIFF!, *BOP!*, *POW!* "Someone who doesn't suck": Ouch! Hey, watch it! That hurts! Oh no! You made me break a nail! "Splatt": Hah! *TWEAK!* "Someone who doesn't suck": Hey! Let go of my nose! "Splatt": Tell the world how much you suck first...then maybe I'll go easy on you. "Someone who doesn't suck": Okay, okay. I suck and I'm extremely homosexual and I like to lick cows in my spare time...dang it! "Splatt": Much better. Boy, it must hurt to SUCK! "Someone who sucks": Ouch!

Monday, October 20, 1997
splatts your babes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 20, 1997
That's "YOU'RE wasting bandwidth", as in "you are." If you're going to ridicule us, use proper grammar next time. You know who really has yuppie-spawn lives? People who can't contract their words properly! So, ha!

Someone who doesn't suck -
Monday, October 20, 1997
You bunch of ninny's. I fart in your general direction you wiper of other people's bottoms. Your mothers were hamsters and your fathers smelt of elderberries. Really, you guys waste to much time doing nothing, and you need to draw more splat creatures. Your page sucks, your sound clips suck, your lives suck. You guys really need to realize that you aren't as cool as you think you are. You've all got such pretty little yuppie-spawn lives, you'll never know what real life is like. Anyway, you can at least get off of the net, your wasting bandwidth.

Summer (Again)
Thursday, October 16, 1997
Sorry I'm not leaving a message for you guys describing how impossibly irresistable you are, how much I love you, or even how 'hot' you guys are...but I figure why should I clue you in on something that you already know???

Summer Tolleson
Thursday, October 16, 1997
You boys are funny...

Wednesday, October 15, 1997
Hola future minions, OO-Splatt has returned to the NET-world and may actually recieve messages at new adress. I live at two houses so often it may be a week before I call back.Adios Fiends!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 1997
Hey. What grade are you guys is. I really think that one of you is really FINE!!

Kara VanGiesen
Tuesday, October 14, 1997
I think you guys are pretty cool! A couple of you guys are pretty awesome lookin'...Until next time:)

Rebecca Butler and Airly Waterman
Sunday, October 12, 1997
Splatt sounds really cool and a couple of you guys are really hot, but other than that you guys just seem like you want to have a good time, so we hope ya do , Later=)

The unknown Poet......or well tried to be one at least
Saturday, October 11, 1997
Life moves on...never stopping to let you catch up. Never slowing...always going. So Dont be late. Don't leave your precious life in the hands of fate. Instead follow your heart. Dont wait around, for you may miss the only thing in life that will never turn around or slow. And this you may regret. SO I tell you now Dont miss the train of life.

Thursday, October 09, 1997
Preety cool set-up of the nicest well put together homepages i've seen yet......from some teens n-e-way;-) Kepp up the great work dudes!!

Thursday, October 09, 1997
til now i considered splatt just a thing you did with the gerkins/pickles you hate finding in your big mac - but now i'm enlightened! thanks for the journey!

Matt Vidal
Tuesday, October 07, 1997
I don't really know what is yet, but it looks cool!!

Sunday, October 05, 1997

Sunday, October 05, 1997
If you look to long it may pass you by.

Sunday, October 05, 1997
Life goes pretty fast sometimes; if you don't stop and look around every once in a while, you could miss it.

Blair Baxter
Saturday, October 04, 1997
Pretty cool guys!! sorry I dissed ya!!!!!! HANSON SUXS

Saturday, October 04, 1997
Pretty Lame Guys!!!!!!! MP-call westlake high school!!!!!!!!!!!

therese sampietro
Saturday, October 04, 1997
I enjoyed reading your very acurate despription of me. It is obvious you know me very well(ha ha). but i do like your web page!!!!!

Alex -
Saturday, October 04, 1997
Congratulations on your guys 5000th

Andrew Glenn
Thursday, October 02, 1997

R.H. Vixen
Tuesday, September 23, 1997

FunkLord Supreme
Tuesday, September 23, 1997
Hey, I'm single but I'm a bad romancer and right now Jesus is my only true beloved. Anyways HUUUUUUNNGG!!!!!!!!!!!! You are the coolest web-surfer person I know.Splatt on Peoples, and Splatt on Brothers! Compliments of :00-Splatt

Apes Littlefield -
Sunday, September 21, 1997
You guys are way too cool. I would have to thank Chucksplatt for sending me this direction. Stay cool guys!!!! (Ps... any of you guys single? : - )

Adam K. Bauer -
Saturday, September 20, 1997
You guys remind me too much of me and my friends back in high school. Its good to see that there are still people out there who dont care about looking like fools in public.

Nicole Vanderpool -
Friday, September 19, 1997
Really KEWL page! :) Keep up the good work!

Sarah Hacker
Tuesday, September 16, 1997

Amanda -
Sunday, September 14, 1997
Hey SPLAT members, Matt it has been a long time since I got an e-mail from you. Just seeing what was up. Amanda

david again...hehe
Sunday, September 14, 1997
i forgot to finish my email....btw, i wanna response from a splatt brother..hehe...

David Peron
Sunday, September 14, 1997
I'm impressed with what i've seen...the webmaster of this page is is the art person...good work, guys!! Hope to see you at church!! Go with Thomas and you will see me....hehe...

Andrew\Michelle from the moon -
Wednesday, September 10, 1997
Splatt is cool!!!!

Splatt X is gorgeous
Sunday, September 07, 1997
Splatt X is soooo cute. He is even cuter than Ike Hanson and that is hard to come by

Saturday, September 06, 1997
rootbeer is disgusting!!!!!!!

Saturday, September 06, 1997
I'm goin to the many HANSON pages instead of this!Hanson Rocks!!!

Tuesday, September 02, 1997
You can tell by the way I roll shorty that I'm a ladies man,......................

Jean Fortea
Tuesday, September 02, 1997
I'm more than just a rhymer, you're still a small timer. open up the gate keep that *$$ a little kinder. Every word: tango, your beat don't concern me! I be eating mangos in Trinidad with attorneys. My juice hang low, world wide like a current. With the (????????????????????????????) but nobody got insurance. Brother do the math, you ain't half what I say...........................

Alex -
Sunday, August 31, 1997
Hi guys I am a good friend of Karma if you know her. Well good page guys and hope see you maybe on my page. Keep up the good work.

David Derr
Friday, August 29, 1997
Hello, I would like to compliment you all in the strongest possible terms about this web page. I am nineteen and am completely stark-raving mad. While I personally haven't felt the power of "splatt" in my life, I am a practioner of the "spon" energy field that surrounds the earth. I wonder if there is a relation. What? The bananas are calling me again! NO! I was never in that wardroom!! Lies! All lies! I was waiting for a bus anyway. The poodles need polishing! While I have never tried hurling myself against a wall, I have spent considerable amount of time suspending myself over a carton of sour milk while humming the Hungarian National Anthem backwards. Dunkirk.....Leavenworth...Frozen lake..a buck forty-five....So with that I shall say "Bye" (And in that order) and keep up the good work men. We march out of camp at dawn! rgds Sir Reginald "Thing" Scott, (Deceased)

Charles Bright
Friday, August 29, 1997
hi. I know that i have nothing good to say.

Wednesday, August 27, 1997
Some really odd people sign your guestbook. I'd just like to say your page is awesome. Your group sounds like alot of stupid fun. Keep enjoying it while you can.

Monday, August 25, 1997
yee haw splat splatt splatt

Saturday, August 23, 1997
Hi Vex

Matt Schiefelbein (Ghostdancer)
Saturday, August 23, 1997
*Snickers at Vex's creation* It's very interesting. Cya on AA man.

The masked ranger
Friday, August 22, 1997
Ok well the time has do what no one knows. To go to stay to live to die. What must we do in order to live. Why ask why because why is the only word that can be used as why. WHY must I use this word..that I shall find out when IT happens mabey not tomorrow mabey not today but IT will HAPPEN! In order to pursue happyness one must sufer the words of a true warrior.

Friday, August 22, 1997
Hey, everyone. If you want a response froma Splatt brother, please say so in yourcomment!

Jennifer Holmes
Wednesday, August 20, 1997
I just have to tell you that you guys made me laugh out loud. My family probably thinks I'm insane for sitting here laughing at the computer. Oh well. You guys totally remind me of some friends I have who also do crazy stuff just for the heck of it. I totally support your organization, and i think there should be more like it. Keep having fun!

Wednesday, August 20, 1997
You'll be pleased to know that I was the one who told Karma about your web site. I totally dig it and I'm very happy to see that Chucksplatt has managed to set up a bulletin board thingy up. That is gonna rock. So anyways.....that's all I had to say. Buh Bye for now!!!

matthew c
Tuesday, August 19, 1997
Splatt on brothers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This site rock's..

Ran Rimon
Monday, August 18, 1997
Dear Splatters!my Name's Ran (or was it something else...? I forget...) and I'm an 18 Y.O.male from Israel. as I usually use a very STUPID pattern of surfing on the Net, I naturally stumbled upon your page and WHOA! my life changed forever. (actually it didn't, but it sounds nice, doesn't it?).Anyway, I like this brotherhood thingie. The time has come for someone to speak in the name of sheer Stupidity, (notice that I capitalized the S in stupidity to imply a certain Divinity in the word)and I congratulate U for having the guts to stand tall and say: " We have no idea what we're doing but it sure is stupid!".I myself am a veteran of countless activities which involve profound Stupidity and general pointlessness, a few of which are Camel Wrestling, Underwater Phylosophic Disscussions and Nude Lawnmowing.I'd like to be a foreign correspondent for the brotherhood, if U esteemed members would agree to drop off your super-important jobs ( A.K.A. meanningless crap) and create such a role in the organization.U have the address. Meanwhile....Splatt on Brothers!

Sunday, August 17, 1997
***Aughhh*** THIS IS INSANE!!!!you know there were two Q-tips four ends and we swabed the entire HOUSE!!!!!! it crazines PURE crazines!!!

Friday, August 15, 1997
my friend just stumbled on u'r page one day, and she told me 2 come here becuz there's a pg that teaches about web site making.. so i came here and i have 2 say this is one of the bestest most kick a$$ sites ever.. u guys r very funny and adam seems like quite the ladies man.. ;) newayz.. talk l8er allig8er.. i'm outie.

Splatt de Queso
Thursday, August 14, 1997
Well another summer gone by. Has it been good has it been one knows until it ends. Heck I dont even think I will know then. So many things have gone to past and so many things to come. What shall the future hold no one knows. I have had my moment of peace. Now all that lies ahead is SCHOOL! Well that ends my moment of philosophy. Later all

Dale -
Thursday, August 14, 1997
somebody wanna define schtick? haha... oh well, just testing a new setting. :)

Dan Upham
Wednesday, August 13, 1997
OH dear.....I type in a search for "Stupid Teen Pages" and I come up with all of this...lunacy. Very Very cool page guys. The music is a perfect touch. Fantastic work, really.Back east, here in CT, there are oodles of people that could really appreciate this king of schtick, and you are all doing fine jobs.Keep it up. ;)

Webmaster ChuckSplatt -
Wednesday, August 13, 1997
"Where have all of the Guestbook entries go?" you may be asking. Well, in an attempt to separate talk and guestbook, I've put up a Bulletin Board message system on the page. Just click on the URL by my cool alias there and you can find those entries there. Sorry for any entries that may have been accidently deleted (some did get deleted in the process).

Utz -
Wednesday, August 06, 1997
Wow. Snaps to the person who built this page. Never a dull moment, and I don't even know you people! Definitely a link going up on my page....keep up the good work!!!!

Wednesday, August 06, 1997

Sarah Scott
Tuesday, August 05, 1997
keep on groovin, Houston, Texas

American Power Conversion (APC) --- Professional Powercell
Monday, August 04, 1997
An interactive home page not only featuring great pictures, great midi's, great Java apps, and great vocal talents, but also a personal Splatt-soap-opera page disguised as a guestbook....amazing.

The Fool on the Hill
Monday, August 04, 1997
Some people stay far away from the door, if there's a chance of it opening up.

Jennifer Stoneking
Sunday, August 03, 1997
I think Melanie has a point.

melanie stewart
Sunday, August 03, 1997
I really really think Adam is the greatest looser in the world.

The Fool on the Hill
Saturday, August 02, 1997
Do you know what it's like to sit and stare at nothing all day? Dah dah dah.

Saturday, August 02, 1997

Catherine Warlick
Friday, August 01, 1997
I just LOVE this page! Soon, y'all will rule all of Nac, I just know it.

Angel -
Tuesday, July 29, 1997
Nice site, very funny. Cute mascot. haha. We need one of these where I live! I'm going to add a link to your page on my hp so lots more people can enjoy the splatting experience. Splatt on!

Akmed -
Tuesday, July 29, 1997
I have a new Chat at my Web-Page!Come to The Kwicky Mart!

 <- Sign the Splatt Guestbook  ->