The Splatt Guestbook Continued

 <- Sign the Splatt Guestbook  ->
Splatt-Queso 2nd attempt at poetry
Tuesday, March 31, 1998
A dark wind blows
just as the dark water flows
a whirlpool is formed
where a fool once mourned
As the waves splashed
his life began to crash
But as he began to drift away
A hand reached out without delay
It picked up my life
And showed me the light
It whispered in my ear
you can now go on without fear

Mara -
Tuesday, March 31, 1998
I am declaring guest book tag!! You signed ours, now we sign yours! Kidding!! :) Great page, btw.

Mara Jade

? and ?
Tuesday, March 31, 1998
Tom is an imbecile(sp?). Doug is a farfinugen. Matt is a facial hair wimp. Joe is pyschotic. Pieman is strong...but odor isn't everything. Thomas is a loon. Adam is weak. We love ya'll anyway.

Sara Thorne
Tuesday, March 31, 1998
Ya'll sound like a bunch of crazy guys! Do you remember me from the bowling alley?But N-E-Wayz Adam is fine.Call me somtime at 569-6788.

Sunday, March 29, 1998
Hmmmmm.....I'd better watch out for those "deteors"...

Saturday, March 28, 1998
birds can fly because they want to.

She-Fett -
Monday, March 23, 1998
(couldn't resist)

Be a lert. The world needs more lerts.

Splatt de Queso "Cheese Splatt?" -
Monday, March 23, 1998
Life a never ended road to nowhere. Just when you beleive you are on track on going somewhere you find a huge deteor sign. So you have to reajust your course and then where are plan new pattern that will soon be changed by the ever changing highway of life. So I say to you out for the deteors dont just give in. For I have done just that and where has that gotten me? Lost!

jen :)
Sunday, March 22, 1998
Friends don't let friends drive naked!

Friday, March 20, 1998
Deodorant is the key to a lasting friendship.

Friday, March 20, 1998
The only way to humble a man is to show him greater things.

HanSon-HaTer -
Friday, March 20, 1998
well I would just like to ask all the girls (and I guess guyz) why the F00K they like Hanson, they are the gayest ppl on this earth. There music sux, They are really ugly. I live in Tulsa, and you might not believe this but I don't care if you don't, We see hanson in the mall all the time, (they Do shop) and they got kicked out once for almost falling the in fountain, and if you whatched MTV , House of Styles, they told her about it, I was there when it happend
Well By All you Hanson FreaKS

Saturday's Child (or Miss Al, which ever you prefer) -
Wednesday, March 18, 1998
Hi! It's me...again. Just thought I'd drop in. I still think this page rocks! :)
"Go out on the limb...that's where the fruit is." --Roy Rogers
See ya later! :)

Tuesday, March 17, 1998
This page is nice and different. I'm from Trinidad which is in the Caribbean, and I've never seen a page like this before.
It's really great.

Wicked -
Tuesday, March 17, 1998
Hey, pretty cool. Have no idea how I got here, but I'm here and might as well sign the book. My page isn't all that. I sure as hell am gonna keep coming back and checking it out tho.
Peace, luv, and donuts to you all,

Jared Putnam -
Monday, March 16, 1998
Hola mi amigo. ¿Que' buen web page? cool page

Monday, March 16, 1998
Lol.... noticed that to late.... feel like a broken record. Well... well... well.... hehe :) Sorry!

Angel -
Monday, March 16, 1998
AHHHHHH, when'd everyone get so much older. Stop it so I can catch up! hehehe :)P Well, glad to see that someone out there's actually updating thier hp. (Unlike lazy old me who needs to get off my behind some time) Well, just seein what's new. Later all. :)

Saturday, March 14, 1998
I could yet sign this book of many signatures of the world. Each one symbolizing a significant person on this planet. With nothing to look at but the fact that you live and your life is ment for somthing. If my life is ment to sign this then I have accomplished my goal, but is there more then life then just going day by day. Without dreams are the life we live useless. WIthout dreams where would we be.

Tiffany -
Friday, March 13, 1998
HI!!! I love your page & it is officialy listed as one of my fave bookmarks! This site insiped my friends (esp. the Meg who signed this back in Feb) to create our own site about all the crazy stuff we do, though it's under *MAJOR* construction.Yeah! V.I.'s Rule! NEWay I think that the issue of letting girls in your group is completely up to y'all. Just remember there is a close bond between all of you. Meg & I's group, let some guys into our group & some of us got overly hung up over them, & well, it wasn't too pretty. Right Meg? O.k. Now I'm babbling. Just thought I'd tell ya that YOU HAVE ONE OF THE COOLEST SIGHTS ON THE WWW!!!! SPLAT RULES!

Clif Johnson A.K.K. RaLf the Net GeniE
Friday, March 13, 1998
Hello Hung
It hmm... 4th period on Friday and im just peepin around you folk's site. Haven't been around much lately so I see that you have added some new features. I like it, I like it. Anyways , looks great.
Your amigo
-=#Are we out of JAVA Yet??!!#=-

Rob -
Thursday, March 12, 1998
your page is very interesting. i like the name and your mascot.

Thursday, March 12, 1998
This is 00-Splatt and a really weird thing just happened..I was watching some T.V. when the doorbell rang and these chics from Florida(or so they said) were at the door. ..actually they really wanted Splatt-Fu, so I glady sent them to his house. Good Luck Adamn! Vaya con Dios!

Tuesday, March 10, 1998
gee, mom. sounds like you're having fun. well, that's kind of mysterious. have more fun while you're there. miss you, later.

Monday, March 09, 1998
Very interesting! I'm not sure about your little Mascott though =). One of the better pages I've seen in a while.

Monday, March 09, 1998
Was in restaurant yesterday in Orlando and mentioned I was from Texas when a bunch of beautiful teenage girls eagerly asked me if I'd ever heard of The Brotherhood of Splatt. I asked what it was and they said it was a group of wonderful, handsome, really cool guys, and could they make a pilgrimage to Texas to find them...

At this point I got nervous, but did admit I knew the guys, and in fact one was my own son. They screamed and asked for autographs... I began to fear for my very life... I searched for a door, thought about how to escape, but the more I tried to edge away, the more frantic the crowd became. Not knowing what to do I resorted to drastic measures and......

Read this again 4/1/98

Love, Mom

Miss you. Heard the game was weathered out. Sorry. See you in a few days. And yes, your site IS really cool.

Miriam Puntzjones
Sunday, March 08, 1998
I don't know how I found this page. This is some pretty weird shit, I'll sign your guestbook, keep up the good work?

melissa -
Saturday, March 07, 1998
Hi, I like ya'll page, it's very uh..... different. :)

Wednesday, March 04, 1998
wonderfull page; you guys knock them all out if ya know what im talking about.

Later buddies see ya at school.

Saturday, February 28, 1998
Hi-I just found this site. I live in Gainesville Florida and I'm 16. I think that Fu-Splatt is fine. And thats all there is to talk about.

stephanie adams
Saturday, February 28, 1998
this page is pretty cool..i just crossed over it while i was surfing the's cool to see regular things on the net other then psycho people and famous people..keep up what you're doing!!!

Saturday, February 28, 1998
It's the kind of shit me and my friends like. So yay that's all I have to say.

Oh, and I'm veryyyy single ;)

Sunday, February 22, 1998
THis is really neat!!!

Rick -
Sunday, February 22, 1998
Is it just me or is this page cool!

Brie & Sera
Saturday, February 21, 1998
We just came across this page from surfing the net. Don't worry, we're not trying to "pick any of you up", we just wanted to tell you that your page is VERY interesting, and absolutely hysterical. We wish there were more people out there that are like you. You seem like you have lots of fun together. We like the pictures of the Scottish party! That looked fun. Anyway, just wanted to let you know that we plan to visit your page frequently, and we respect you guys. Bye! -Brie & Sera

Friday, February 20, 1998
You guys are funny! Keep up the insanity---we (as in my friends & I) do!!! Splatt Forever!

Friday, February 20, 1998
Splatt sounds like a lot of fun so keep it up. But just to let you know splatting means a whole other thing where I live. In a small rustic town in Washington "splatting" consists of an otherwise boring friday night, some silly rituals in the highschool parking lot (nothing satanic just running around cars singing silly songs) and then placing a cupcake or those little pies you can buy in the street and waiting in the bushes for cars to come by and run them over. Then to complete your splatting mission you must lick part of the pie/cupcake off the road. The goal, of course, is not to be the last one licking. And of course never tell anyone about the adventure of spatting, let them find out for themselves. Well anyway it's a crazy and wild way to spend a friday night. Add your own touches to the adventure, just remeber to make it fun!! Great page :) !!

Wednesday, February 18, 1998
Uhm, hello!
Great sight...can relate's great that you guys do crazy stuff, and yet keep it clean crazy stuff. I personally don't think that you should let girls in on's *your* organization, and I think that if we want something like this, we ought to work for it ::grin:: 'sides, it gives us somethin' to do. Try putting on trench coats at 4 a.m. and sunglasses, and sitting in the middle of the street ::innocent look:: anyhow, ok, bye!


Wednesday, February 18, 1998
OK, this is, like, the most fun and random page I've ever seen. I searched Yahoo! for "fun things for a group to do" and got you. (Woohoo!) Keep it real, Rick.

ChuckSplatt -
Monday, February 16, 1998
A' checkin in . . . A' checkin out.


Sunday, February 15, 1998

..some call me Tim...most don't call me at all
Saturday, February 14, 1998
This 00-Splatt (no matter what the title thingy says) and PFOX wrote me and I dont have her adress. Help me out here Amanda!

Angie - Http://
Saturday, February 14, 1998
I think your page is really kewl. My favorite part was the pictures. Nice pool party!!!!

Saturday, February 14, 1998
Nice page. Weird, but then again ya'll are too. I agree with Mary that ya'll should let girls join.

Friday, February 13, 1998
cool! great! awesome! fun! exciting! (is that good enough?) by the way, you can use my comments for advertisement, but it'll cost ya!

Agent Jenn FBI
Friday, February 13, 1998
Weird site but hey Splatt and Splatt fu are really hot. Email me for some fun.

Wednesday, February 11, 1998
commentscomments commentsIT is GOODand i am so bored today that nothing really matters...but besides that tonight the moon is full and every sence is heightened not that you or anyone else really cares but it is prime on my mind now and as for picking up any of you i can't cause i'm not comletely heterosexual.bye (BI)kylieps jk

.stormy sullivan (yes, that's my real name0
Monday, February 09, 1998
i think your site is realy cool it's one of the best i've seen and I'm kind of a computer junkie so i expect things to be good I think matt tommy and adam are realy hot,I just had to say that ,sorry and matt looks like a realy cool guy so do the rest of you. keep making those cool sites =)

John Weston
Sunday, February 08, 1998
this page IS NOT an edifice of time

meee! -
Thursday, February 05, 1998
like totallly psykadelic wow! i luv the like awesome,groovy page, guys! you need more retro dec around the pics......flower power!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The unknown one
Wednesday, February 04, 1998
Love stinks!...well sometimes anyways

Amanda !
Saturday, January 31, 1998
This page is hilarious! You guys seem to be so funny. Gotta love it!

Angel Barragan
Friday, January 30, 1998

jenny s.
Tuesday, January 27, 1998
Hey, thought I'd drop in. Since I've done that, I'm leaving! BYE!!

Jared Putnam -
Monday, January 26, 1998
This page is really good

Cory Moosman
Monday, January 26, 1998
Love the page! We here in The Guild (Oddly similar organization) think you guys have a killer page. We've been in the works with ours for awihle now.. Maybe someday it will get off the ground........Cool Page guys!

The one and only Splatt Queso
Thursday, January 22, 1998
I would like everyone to know that I AM BACK! and my computer is FIXED! and so I have access AGAIN!!!!!!!

Monday, January 19, 1998

Sunday, January 18, 1998
RANDOM? random pages, anyone?

Wednesday, January 14, 1998
Who loves yarn as much as I do?

Cade V. Steel
Tuesday, January 13, 1998
Love It. Totally Groovey. The best yet. Keeppin' live.

Monday, January 12, 1998
Well, Ijust figured that it was about time that I leave another bookmark in this edifice in time. Splatt on, guys and gals.

ANTHA (again)
Sunday, January 11, 1998

Sunday, January 11, 1998

Friday, January 09, 1998
umm.....nice? hehe :)

Manda Turner
Sunday, January 04, 1998
Uh, well...I guess I'm impressed. I'm not really sure how I'm supposed to react, so I'll just say," I was here >Check your Message Board<" Bye...

Brantley Sasseen
Sunday, January 04, 1998
Very Interesting

Friday, January 02, 1998
I'd like to see what you'll look like in 10 years. Any chance you can do something about that on your web page? Perhaps an artist's rendition of what you think... Would be interesting.

Dale -
Wednesday, December 31, 1997
this is like a test or something. :)

Bettina -
Tuesday, December 30, 1997
You guys have a great page(wasn't that general)! But it's true! A great page that I'm glad I ran across and linked to mine. Oh yeah,and visit my page(hehehe).

Sunday, December 28, 1997
Wuz Up? Hey guys! This is AWESOME! LOVE YA LOTS! P.S...............................................................Val says HI too.

Sunday, December 28, 1997
hey guys, finally had a chance to log on. adam, give me a call if you have the chance

Thursday, December 25, 1997

Scott Ivy
Tuesday, December 23, 1997
Well well well. Merry Christmas to all! And thanks for adding Antha to your page. I'll tell her you really DO love her. She'll appreciate it. Gracias.

Aimee Richardson
Monday, December 22, 1997
Youz guyz are spiffdeecool-beenz!!!

Corrie (once again)
Sunday, December 21, 1997
well I just was going through the rest of the guestbook and someone said adam was a loser. well WHATEVER! I mean of course I don't know him but he seems like a great person and let me mention again that he's totally HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (someone please email me! 'hint' for adam)

Corrie Cook
Sunday, December 21, 1997
I just wanted to say that this page is excellent because it makes me laugh. I've recommended it to lots of my friends w/ internt access. Also I just wanted everyone to know that I think splatt-fu (adam) is totally gorgeous and that he has a sexy smile! anyone can email me if they want. bye-bye now.

Sharon Gray
Sunday, December 21, 1997
Neat info. I am an alum of NHS...the class of 1965, soooooooo long ago. But it is funto read and up-date of the ole school. Keepup the good work.

The Cheese
Sunday, December 21, 1997
happy festivus!-Frank Costanza

Saturday, December 20, 1997
Hello. How's it goin? Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 18, 1997
good job! enjoyed your work.

Johnny Cook
Thursday, December 18, 1997
What the !@#%&! Do you do this for fun? Whatever creams your twinkie.

Pie Splatt (aka!)
Wednesday, December 17, 1997
I have not checked in for a while. Looks like the web page is great as usual, nice going Brother Chuck! But what is with all the pictures? There are so many now I can't tell where I am. Opps. There I am with those funky glasses and my mouth wide open. Oh well, it may not be attrative but it sure is fun. By the way, Chuck-Splatt, if you read this I think we should take down the remarks I've made in the "Musical Splatt" section. It is bad enough that that was just a joke to Stacie sitting beside me but then the reporter thinks it would be funny to get all the nice girls I know mad at me for making comments like that! I have a whole ton of clippings that I will gladly let you scan that are much better. Anyway catch you later- Pie Splatt

Nicki Timmons
Monday, December 15, 1997
You guys' site is great! You're a bunch ofcuties! E-mail me.

Lacie Green
Friday, December 12, 1997
I like your page and the one with blonde hair is looking pretty good!!

Agent Annie -
Tuesday, December 09, 1997
hey guys.. I've been reading over all this page.. I must say it's mundo fun! the something really odd is that I have a friend of mine and we, um, splatt. we've never really had an official name for it though. another thing is.. my fellow "spatter" and I are part of a spy organization at my school. there's the 5 of us. Agent Betthney, Agent Sarah, Agent Kelly, Agent Shana, and me, Agent Annie. Its the FCSS... that's Femme Clandenstine Secret Service. Sarah and I are the founders. I just thought it would be interesting for you to know that there are other wackies out there in high school land. It looks to me like some of you are christians... true? That's awsome if you are...I am too! I like Jars of clay and Third Day and dc talk. I must say... you are a bunch of pretty interesting guys. I had fun visiting your HQ and looking at some of those pics. Dont bother clicking on my link right now... because my new page isn't uploaded yet. Toodle-oo.

The Cheese
Monday, December 08, 1997
hey matt from kingwood. kingwood high school? kingwood that hosted a debate tournament in september?

Darth Cader
Monday, December 08, 1997
HAHAHAHA I Am yo' papa..HAHAHAHAH!!! Anyways this is 00-splatty and I want this Matt fellow to leave his address so that I may talk to him about a recent Supertones concert in Kingwood.

Monday, December 08, 1997
Kingwood, Texas says SPLATT ON!

Marc Weatherford
Sunday, November 30, 1997
Great Stuff you guys!

Saturday, November 29, 1997
when on the internet, be sure to drop by this wonderful, entertaining page and sign the charming, poignant guest book. This is all recommended by none other!

Andrea Rogers
Friday, November 28, 1997
I really like this web-page. It rocks. E-mail me.

The Groove Champion -
Wednesday, November 26, 1997
Inever really looked at the directions of this comment box. Splatt is "good!" so's what I'm suppossed What'sthatbluethingdoingheresomethinggrabbedaholdofmyhandpleasepassthemilk pleaseleavemealonefingertipsifoundanewfriendmysteriouswhisper

Angel G.B.
Tuesday, November 25, 1997
This is a funny place. The pure stupidity of it all is funny. I'm laughing right now, believe you me. Actually, I don't think that saying means anything, so forget it.

yo moma
Tuesday, November 25, 1997
Tell John Bellanger and Weston Jackson d said hi Bonjour les garçons vous etre tres bizzard mes c est pas grave parce que tout le monde estdifferent votre chanson est plate trouver vous une autre vie!!!!!! dixie d

Monday, November 24, 1997
Grayson-If you don't know already-A.A. is going to meet you very soon.(tommorow)She is my friend!

I luv ur page-person
Monday, November 24, 1997
Don't dis Hanson!They are Christians and pray before each concert.You are just plain JEALOUS because they can afford to college and you can't!

Monday, November 24, 1997
HANSON ROX!!!!!!!!!!(I just wanted to state that nice and clear)Thank you for time.

Monday, November 24, 1997
that skye musgrae has got some nice ears. you chose an excellent picture.

Grayson Middlebrook
Sunday, November 23, 1997
Thank you for putting Brian and Ruth's pics on the page. The page is now 10 times cooler. I agree with Ashely Anderson, I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fine. But I have to say HANSON SUCKS!!!! Why don't you erase their letters? Hanson is everything Splatt does not stand for.

Sunday, November 23, 1997
dont you guys feel soooooo special being compared to Hanson?? thats gotta make your day! (in case you cant tell, im being sarcastic)

Calif. girl
Friday, November 21, 1997
Who is Weston Jackson? I wanna meet him!! One word:FINE!!!!!(like a mug-fence-it's what we say in california!-pretty cool!) Are you a Hanson brother?(i promise)

Friday, November 21, 1997
Did you know that Hanson has more fans than you? Huh?huh?huh?? u r pretty cute though!FINER than HANSON!!(oo-splatt,splatt,hypersplatt)C u cutie-pies!@ my hansun dreem wurld!!!

Ashley Anderson
Friday, November 21, 1997
Grayson is soooooooooooo fine!! Tom Belanger is really fine too. You guys are cuter than Hanson and that's hard to come by. :) Email me.

Tuesday, November 18, 1997
why should it be good?is it that good?if u think so then i must have to agree then:)

Tuesday, November 18, 1997
why should it be good?

Charissa M. Williams
Monday, November 17, 1997
I just wanted to say that I love the idea that there are other people in this world that are just as silly as I am. But, as I understand, the brotherhood of splatt is just males, why?

The Spook -
Monday, November 17, 1997
This site Rules!We invite you to come see us at the Site Fights. Join up!You HaveBeen Spooked!

Scott Ivy (Antha's Man!)
Saturday, November 15, 1997
Wanna know how to make your page even better than it already is??? Put pictures of Antha! It would make ME happy at least...

Saturday, November 15, 1997
What??? No pictures of me ANYWHERE?!? It is as if I never existed...

Antha the Lonely and Left-Out
Saturday, November 15, 1997
I understand... Nothing about me on the Friends of Splatt page. I see how it is. You must not love me very much.

Saturday, November 15, 1997
Yep, the webpage is better than last time looked! You all still ROCK! Love the homecoming picture! I miss you all and I want to come visit, but I probably won't until this summer. Don't forget me! = )

Nicole Cyphert
Tuesday, November 11, 1997
I think its really neat that all of you guys got together to make a homepage of your group or whatever. I have a cousin that lives done in Texas near you. He said that he's heard of guys before.

Monday, November 10, 1997
Hola senores. Que tal? Later

 <- Sign the Splatt Guestbook  ->